In late December 2022, in conjunction with an omnibus spending bill, Congress passed the Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act, which President Biden signed into law on December 29, 2022. This law permits whistleblowers to receive 10% to 30% of any monetary sanction the government imposes over $1 million for money laundering.  Money laundering is

Part 1 of this two-part series explored the five steps to consider before and at the start of any internal investigation.

The next five steps focus on conducting and concluding the investigation and will help guide a company during the actual investigation, after establishing its framework.

  1. Gather Information. The investigator should: (a) assess the

The ability to effectively conduct internal investigations is essential to any business.

From fiscal year 2014 to fiscal year 2018, the number of whistleblower retaliation complaints filed with OSHA has increased by 29 percent. Between 2007 and 2017, retaliation claims filed with the EEOC nearly doubled. In fiscal years 2017 and 2018, the Justice