The New Year is prime time to take a look at your Code of Conduct and compliance policies both to consider whether you are up to date on all applicable requirements, but also so that you are fluent in your own processes and prepared to take prompt and compliant action when issues arise. Those policies
Sarah R. Skubas
Sarah R. Skubas is a principal in the Hartford, Connecticut, office of Jackson Lewis P.C. Her practice is focused on employment litigation, preventive counseling and labor relations.
Contact:Read more about Sarah R. Skubas
Not All Internal Investigations Are Created Equal
By Sarah R. Skubas on
Posted in Internal Investigations
Companies face increasing demands for internal investigations. This increase may be attributed to a surge in retaliation charges, whistleblower liability and the creation of internal hotlines making it easier for employees to raise concerns, among other things. While a company already may have an existing internal investigations process, it must proceed with caution: not all…